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Codesprints, Hackathons, and Interops in Seoul

31 Aug 2016

The essence of the IETF is not that we write specs for some other people to implement. It is that we are a place for people who write code to write specs as well. With that in mind, a big part of our work is allowing for that code writing to happen. This happens at many levels: the IETF Hackathon focuses on open source projects and Internet technology, the CodeSprint is about IETF’s own tools and web services, interoperability events test specific pieces of technology, and so on.


We will be hosting these events also at IETF-97 which will take place in Seoul, South Korea, November 12-18, 2016. More specifically:

  • The CodeSprint runs on Saturday, November 12, and more information is available from the wiki. You can sign up here. The CodeSprint is open to all who want to help.
  •  The IETF Hackathon runs from Saturday, November 12 to Sunday, November 13. Read more about it here, follow the mailing list, and sign up here.Hackathon Slide The Hackathon is free to attend and open to the public.
  • The IETF Bits-n-Bites event, Thursday November 17, will let people demonstrate what they are working on. See more here, and sign up to sponsor a demo table! The whole IETF community in Seoul will be joining you to eat, drink, socialise, and see your demos.

And remember that what you do at these events is up to you. You decide. You decide what is the coolest tech thing that you need to implement. You decide what IETF data tracker feature you need for your work. 

So don’t be afraid to add your own project, gather a BnB team, and come join us and take your ideas further!

I would also like to offer IETF-97 as a place for various interop and test events. We typically have several at every IETF. Many people travel to the IETF anyway, so it is a convenient place to spend some time testing. Sometimes that testing is just informal, something you do in the hallways or around the terminal room table. In other cases it is more organised.

etsiLet us know if you are planning to do some testing. In some cases we can also help with rooms, network support, and help publicise your event to other participants. In any case, testing is immensely helpful for the Internet, and we’d be happy for you to work on that!

Jari Arkko, IETF Chair

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